
Follow up

Guerrilla marketers know that marketing really has only just begun when the sale is made.
68% of all business is lost in America due to apathy after the sale. To stop this from
happening to you, send follow up thank you letters to your new clients. Call them or send a
letter about a month after the sale to make sure they are still happy with the product or

Continue to stay in touch with your clients, sending them information about new products
or services, promotions or simply useful information that relates to their purchase and that
you know they would appreciate. Send them an anniversary card one year from their
purchase date. Send them a birthday card if you know their birthday. Always be thinking of
creative ways to keep in touch with them.

Prospect follow up is just as important as client follow up. When you meet a prospect, they
should immediately be put into your keep-in-touch system. The more you stay in front of
them, the more likely they will choose you when the time comes for them to require your
services or products. Don’t miss that opportunity by not following up.

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