
Social Media Marketing Plan

Action Plan Marketing Club

Don’t use iGoogle? Just go to Google http://www.google.com and
follow the link to set up your iGoogle page. It’s very simple and fast.
Once you have an iGoogle page, click on the “Add Stuff” link and
search for “LinkedIn” in the search box. Several Google Gadgets will
show up for LinkedIn Answers. Pick the one you want by clicking on
the “Add It” button. Then go back to the iGoogle homepage and
position the Gadget wherever you want on the page. You can set it to
show either 5 questions or 9 questions.

When you see a question you think you can answer, click on the link in
iGoogle and answer it in LinkedIn.

If you like, announce on Twitter and Facebook that you have answered
this question. Use a tiny url link that takes them to LinkedIn.

10. Visit other blogs and post blog comments
Always include your web address at the bottom of each post. This will
get you more visibility in search engines. Announce your post in
Twitter and Facebook.

11. Post regular updates on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn
Post as appropriate. Best if you can relate it to some relevant business
activity, articles you’ve written, events you are holding, or blog posts.

Fitting Social Media Marketing into your schedule

Perhaps the biggest question everyone has is, “Will social media
marketing take up too much of my time, for too little results?”

Everyone is going to have their own approach to this. The key is to
stay focused. Here are a few ways you could approach this.

Daily Postings (1 hr or less)

1. Write and post to your blog once a day.
2. Link to post with Twitter and Facebook.
Multiple Daily Postings (1 hr+)

1. Write and post to your blog once a day.
2. Link to post with Twitter and Facebook.
3. Post to Twitter and Facebook throughout day if you have an idea, a
resource, a link or something else appropriate.
4. Answer a question in the Answers section of LinkedIn
© Robert Middleton, Action Plan Marketing – All rights reserved.

Action Plan Marketing Club

5. Post comments on other people’s blogs.
Weekly Postings (2-3 hr)

1. Write a weekly eZine
2. Post your weekly eZine on your blog
3. Post a question in the Answers section of LinkedIn
As Jason says, anytime you post on your blog or use Facebook,
LinkedIn and Twitter, make sure it supports your brand. If you
have new programs, services, events, and information available on a
regular basis, you’ll have more to talk about and more of a reason to
send people to your blog or your web site.

See the diagram on the next page that shows the relationship
between your marketing content and your online promotion. If you
just have marketing content, if just sits there. When you add online
promotion through your eZine, Facebook, Twitter, etc, you point
towards your marketing content, resulting in new subscribers, buyers
and clients.

To get the most out of this you ideally will have the following
pieces in place:

• Web Site
• eZine or email newsletter
• Blog
• LinkedIn page
• Facebook page
• Twitter account
You can then build on this by continuing to add valuable marketing
content that builds your brand and your credibility.

Start one step at a time. And good luck!