Guerrillas approach trade show marketing differently than most other business owners.
They don’t just rent a booth, set up a display and see what happens. Instead, they visit
shows and locate people who have displays that offer products or services that compliment
their own. Then they work out a deal with the person working the booth whereby they
would share their booth at their next event. As a guerrilla marketer, you would share in the
expenses and assume part of the sales responsibility in return for them allowing your items
to be displayed and sold alongside theirs. This is a type of joint venture partnership or
fusion marketing strategy that will allow you to partner with someone else for the benefit
of both individuals.
You can also visit trade shows to track down people who would be willing to distribute
your product. Trade shows are a great place to engage with people that you normally
wouldn’t have access to. Scout out the vendors whose products or services would be
complemented and enhanced by your products, and you will have no trouble getting them
to see the value of distributing your products.
Guerrilla Marketing
Guerrilla Marketing campaign
Guerrilla Marketing Examples
Guerrilla Marketing Ideas
Guerrilla Marketing Strategies
Guerrilla Marketing To Baby Boomers
» Guerrilla Trade Show Marketing Methods