their businesses, but it can be an extremely effective marketing weapon. Years ago, it might
not have been the best strategy for marketing to baby boomers, but that has changed over
the past couple years.
According to a February 25, 2011, “New York Times” article, “Graying Audience Returns to
Movies,” “the actual number of older moviegoers has grown enormously since 1995, the
year before boomers started hitting the mid-century mark. Then about 26.8 million people
over the age of 50 went to movies, according to GfK MRI. That number grew to 44.9 million
in 2010.”
The article goes on to explain a shift that is beginning to happen in the world of cinema,
causing baby boomers to return to theaters for several reasons:
Aging actors, writers and directors are baby boomers themselves; therefore they are
creating more and more movies that appeal to the baby boomer population.
. Movies based on storytelling and wits are becoming more popular in comparison to
movies based on special effects. Some of these movie examples include: “The Social
Network” and “The King’s Speech.”
. More mature features are being offered in theaters, such as better food and reserved
. Theaters and movie producers are gearing their movies and marketing more toward
baby boomers because they realized they are missing out on a large population of
people – a population that grew up loving movies and that has 78 million retiring
individuals with more leisure time available. Now, almost every studio is
consistently producing movies that are geared toward a more mature audience.
In addition to the baby boomers who are now going to the movies for their own pleasure,
there is also a huge number (70%) of baby boomer-age parents who take their young
children to the movies according to Pearl & Dean Market Summary- Cinema Advertising
(Qtr 4, 2011). When I took my nephew to see “Toy Story,” I couldn’t believe how
sophisticated the character’s lines were. I wondered if the creators of “Toy Story” were
catering to children or their parents. Both audiences thoroughly enjoyed the movie because
Jeffrey Katzenburg, CEO or DreamWorks®, had the parents in mind when developing the
scripts. Plus, being a native of San Francisco, I even recognized some of the local Emeryville
street names that he used in the movie. Based on all of this, it is clear that cinema
advertising will allow you to reach a huge number of baby boomers.
Movie going continues to be one of America’s favorite pastimes. According to Fourth
Source, "How to make the most of cinema advertising: Think Big" -
think-big-1993), Cinema advertising has seen an attendance increase of 10% year after
year in recent years, with 72% of all Americans attending the movies at least once every
There are many benefits to adding cinema advertising to your marketing arsenal:
You have a captive audience. Cinema is an opt-in medium, meaning people choose
to go. With cinema advertising, you get an audience that has chosen to be there.
They expect advertisements and view them as part of the movie experience. In
addition, they like to get in their seats early, and when they do, they are looking
straight ahead — taking in what is on the screen and are paying attention to a
degree that just isn’t there with any other form of advertising.
Your audience is there to have fun. They are relaxed, receptive and excited about
what they are about to see, and as a result, they have a higher receptivity and
acceptance of the ads that are shown. According to a study by Arbitron, Inc., 63% of
moviegoers don’t mind cinema ads. They actually consider it part of the movie
experience and it passes the time when they are waiting for the previews to start.
They want to be engaged. At the movies, emotions are at a heightened level.
Therefore, the audience is naturally more engaged, which means they are more
engaged in advertising messages as well. You can increase the effectiveness of your
ads with interactive elements that draw the audience in further. This is easier than
ever nowadays with the rise of smart phones. You can get the audience to visit a
Web site on their phone or text to receive a free offer, for example.
. Cinema advertising allows you to target your audience. By choosing the movie
and the region where you want your ads to be shown, you can target your audience
to make your investment as effective as possible. To do this, it is important to study
your ideal clients to find out what type of movies they enjoy.
. Audiences remember ads they see at the theater. According to Fourth Source,
"How to make the most of cinema advertising: Think Big"
advertising-think-big-1993), the cinematic experience causes viewers to
comprehend and remember advertising to a much higher degree than any other
media. Moviegoers are 2.5 times more likely to remember an ad on the movie screen
than the same ad shown on TV.
. Moviegoers are trendsetters. Many advertisements premier for the first time at a
movie theatre, giving the audience members a first-hand look at the ad. This makes
them early influencers, and that’s definitely a market you want to be in front of.
Moviegoers will talk about what they see and like. They are the best word-of-mouth
. Cinema advertising allows you to think really big. You will never have so much
space to create an ad, as you will by displaying your ad on a huge movie screen.
Huge images create highly powerful advertising messages that leave a huge and
lasting impact on the audience.
Cinema advertising adds value to your overall marketing campaign. As
Guerrilla marketers, we always launch several weapons, and with cinema
advertising, it is no different. It is important, more than ever, to integrate all of your
marketing strategies so that the consumer recognizes your brand with seamless
consistency. Cinema ads should drive viewers to your other forms of advertising,
like your Facebook page, Web site, video or any other strategy you may be engaging
While cinema advertising can be expensive when viewed as a dollar amount, the return on
your investment is really the number you need to evaluate. Weekly rates are often
manageable at around $150-$300, which breaks down to about $2-$3 per screening.
Cinema advertising is a low cost advertising strategy considering the number of captive
people who will view your ad. It is advised to run your ad for at least eight consecutive
weeks for best results. Since the audience changes with each viewing, you will capitalize on
your investment by spanning your reach in this way.
Another reason cinema advertising is a smart choice is because your competition is
probably not using this form of advertising — not because it isn’t effective, but because
they don’t realize its value and think it isn’t possible for them. You can be the one to stand
out and be seen by millions with this method.