
Marketing Lessons From Odwalla, Inc.

A perfect example of a company that was able to separate themselves from their
competition is Odwalla, Inc. They have a strong mission that they adhere to and base all of
their marketing on. Their website features the following three 3 key principles that they
have lived by for 25 years:
1) Make great juice,
2) Do good things for the community and
3) build a business with heart.

Odwalla does make great juice, and they market their juice well. They use several tactics in
selling their beverages and nutrition bars that allow them to capture the eye of their target
market. Their delivery trucks, for example, are extremely colorful and feature their slogan,
“Nourishing the Body Whole.” Their image is hip, fun, youthful and fresh, and their market
is people who want to put natural, healthy drinks and foods into their bodies. Their trucks,
along with their product packaging express that image beautifully.

 In addition, they use creative names for their products to capture more interest, such as
“Pink Poetry,” “Red Rhapsody” and “Pear Berry Jive.” They trademarked the term,
“Freshology,” which allows them to convey in one word what they are all about.

 Odwalla does a lot of good for the community and the environment, something that
consumers appreciate and take notice of. For example, in 1997, they converted most of
their delivery trucks to run on compressed natural gas. In doing so, they won a Clean Air
Award from the American Lung Association. Plus, they recycle so much that the only items
that leave their plant for the landfill is trash that cannot be recycled, which is typically less
than 1%. They donate often to the Organic Farming Research Foundation and to
Conservation International, as well as to local organizations in communities all across the

They use fresh produce that is locally grown and they have allowed a local farmer to use 20
acres of Odwalla land to grow and maintain a peach orchard free of charge for the past 10

Odwalla does build a business with heart. The company knows its roots and appreciates
those who have helped it to grow. That’s why they make sure to inspire positive feelings in
their employees about the company they work for, a message that the employees spread
out into the world of consumers, causing them to feel more positively about Odwalla as

 By keeping employees informed about the nutritional benefits of their products, involving
them in taste testing and product naming, and giving each worker a pint of juice every day
as part of their salary, they created a positive attitude among all employees.

Next Page - Marketing Lessons From Ben & Jerry’s Homemade, Inc.