
Developing Your Website

Once you've developed a great product, your next step will be to
develop a great website. Your website must be specifically designed to
sell your product.

Everything within your website should have one purpose -- getting
your visitor to take action. Words are the most powerful marketing
tool you have. The right words will turn your visitors into customers.
The wrong words will cause them to click away and never return.

Your words are the entire foundation of your business. Your product,
your website and your marketing strategies all depend upon your
words. Fancy graphics don't make sales -- words do.

Every word, sentence and headline should have one specific purpose -to
lead your potential customer to your order page.

Write your website copy as if you are talking to just one person.
Identify a problem and validate that one visitor's need for a solution.
Continue to write and explain why your product is the solution to their
problem. Tell them exactly what your product will do for them -- why it
will solve their problems and how.
Pack your copy with benefits and more benefits. Write to persuade -that's
the bottom line.