
Chapter 12: Telephone Marketing: Dialing for Leads

These days, telephone marketing is still a prime marketing tactic that works, especially
when it comes to business-to-business situations. Since it works, this method is used by
large and small companies alike. Probably the reason it is so effective is because it is more
difficult to say no to a person’s voice than it is to say no to a letter or an email. By adding
the personal touch of a phone call, you are relating to your prospective baby boomer on a
personal level, giving them more opportunity to like you and listen to you.

You should know your telemarketing statistics before beginning this tactic because
telemarketing has a high rate of rejection, and if you aren’t prepared for it, you will find
yourself feeling discouraged into quitting. The statistics are this: of every twenty calls you
make, you probably will only reach about five of them on your first try. Then out of every
twenty people you actually reach, you probably will close only one of them. That means
you’ll have to make about one hundred calls to close one to five sales.

Now, after hearing that, you may be asking, “With statistics like these, why would anyone
want to pursue this method of marketing?” The fact of the matter is that one out of one
hundred is often worth it. Each call generally won’t take you long (the average being 1-3
minutes per call) and depending on the sale price of your product or service, one sale could
very well make your day (or week).

Always remember to look at gatekeepers as allies. They can be resources to get you the
information you need. The friendlier you are to the gatekeepers and the more you treat
them like they are important, the more easily you will get through, or at least get them to
pull for you.

To tele-market like a guerrilla, you must plan out your call, from the objective, to the tone
of voice, to the complete script you will speak, including what to say in case the voicemail
picks up, what your opening and closing statements will be, what questions you will ask
and what points you will make. If you really want to aim this weapon toward a successful
win, you should research your prospects before calling them so you know even better how
to direct the call. That way, you’ll be able to demonstrate exactly how you can improve the
lives of the baby boomer with the product or service you are providing, and they’ll love you
for it.

While it is important to have a script prepared, guerrilla marketers do not read awkwardly
form a script. It is best to memorize the script and only have it in front of you to guide you
and give you cues. The more you memorize of your script, the more likely it is that you will
close the sale. Numerous studies have consistently backed this up with findings that a
memorized presentation always produces better results than using an outline to speak the
same presentation. In addition, the more conversational you sound, instead of sounding
like you are reciting a script, the more sales you will make.

The best telemarketers are in control of the call by consistently asking questions,
responding to the answers, asking more questions and so on. They also make sure the call
is playing on the prospect’s needs and wants, instead of pounding them with sales pitches
aimed at simply getting the sale.

Much of the tips expressed in the canvassing chapter apply for telemarketing as well,
especially when it comes to the close. You will often encounter objections during telephone
marketing calls
, and this shouldn’t be viewed as a bad thing. Guerrilla marketers often
encourage objections because when you know the objections, you know what is holding
them back, and when you know what is holding them back, you can help them see how the
product or service you are selling doesn’t apply to those objections. Handling objections is
one of the best ways to make the close.

Contact, presentation and close all apply for telemarketing. Even though you are not with
the prospect face-to-face, you still need to build some rapport in the beginning by relating
to them as human beings before jumping into business. When making your presentation,
remember to load it with benefits, and on the close remember to ask for it, but don’t ask a
question that will only require a yes or no answer.

One of the most effective openings for telemarketing calls is as simple as this:

 This is (Your Name) with (Your Company). We specialize in helping businesses
(specialty with benefit). Depending on what you’re using in the area of (product or
service), we might have something that could potentially help you to (benefit).

Another good opening is one like this:

Hello Mr./Mrs. (Contact). My information shows me that you have vacationed in
places like the Bahamas and Florida. I’m calling because our company specializes in
vacations spots that most tourists have never heard of. They are little gems that
shouldn’t be missed and offer amenities and moments that aren’t even possible in
the more touristy locations. We’d love for you to experience a little bit of paradise
on your next vacation. We are now making house calls and will be in your area next
week. What time would be best for us to come by and show you what your next
vacation could look like?

Can you see how the above example would easily draw in many baby boomers that are at a
point in their lives when travel is a top priority? It speaks right to what they might have
been missing in other vacations they have taken, and since baby boomers like to try new
things and are all about experiences, this pitch could easily land numerous sales.

If your opening doesn’t inspire them to commit right off the bat, be sure to get them
engaged by asking a lot of questions. Baby boomers especially don’t want to feel “talked at,”
but rather they want to feel they are part of the process.

The best telemarketing is done in conjunction with other marketing methods. Making the
call after you have already sent a personal letter, for example, increases your rate of
closings considerably. Additionally, using the call to inspire them to sign up for something
free and then selling to them from the free offer is a highly effective tactic. It is very easy for
someone to say yes to something that is free, and then once they receive something free
and useful from you, they are more likely to pay to do business with you.

Many fear telemarketing, but when you are armed with the right script and when you know
your target market inside and out, closing your telemarketing efforts will be painless. It’s
also an easy thing to outsource if it’s something you don’t do well or don’t have the time to
do. Many people are willing to do this work on commission only, and that means it is
always a win for you since you don’t have to lie out any money till you make a sale. Many
companies operate solely off the sales they make through telemarketing. It’s that effective.

Chapter 13: Video Marketing: You Have to See It To Believe It