
Chapter 25: Free Seminars and Demonstrations: Show and Sell

We are living in the information age, a time when information is freely shared through many streams of media. Sharing information is one of the best ways to gain new business nowadays. Because the Internet is a wealth of information, people can search on literally any topic and find much of the information they seek. Savvy marketers, and especially guerrilla marketers, use this fact to their advantage by giving away free information. In doing so, they establish themselves as experts in their field and they give prospects a taste of what they can offer, making them more willing to hire them.
These days, if you aren’t giving away free information, you will have a hard time competing in the marketplace. People want information and they want it to be free. Once they get useful, valuable information for free from you, it is then that they are likely to hire you. The trick is to give enough that they feel they got great information from you, but to leave them wanting more so they will hire you. If you hold back too much, they won’t hire you because they will feel they won’t get value from you. If you give too much, however, they won’t hire you because they won’t need to since they will walk away with all of the information they need. Guerrilla marketers learn to balance this and they come out on top.
There are numerous ways you can give away free information these days: eBooks, Special Reports, Audio Recordings, Videos, Seminars, Demonstrations, Teleseminars and Webinars, to name a few. In this chapter, we are going to focus on seminars, demonstrations, teleseminars and webinars.
We know that baby boomers love to continue learning and that many of them are either looking into starting new careers or seeking out new courses to teach them things that bring out their passions. Holding seminars, no matter what format, are a great way to reach baby boomers. They’ll often be the first in line at these events, and they’ll be hungry for all the new knowledge you can give them.

More Chapter 25:
Seminars and Demonstrations
There are 2 keys to making sales at these events
Teleseminars and Webinars

Next Chapter - Chapter 26: Trade Shows for Boomers? Do They Still Go to Them?